Vital Statistics:
Name: Aubri Elizabeth
Age/Grade: 17/ junior
Gender: Female
Height: 5’2
Weight: 115 lbs.
Appearance: She has long, curly, silver hair and ice blue eyes. She’s short but slender because she does yoga and dances. She loves being outside, yet somehow manages to never get a tan. She’s sweet and innocent on the outside, but there’s much more underneath.
Sexuality: Straight. She has some experience but she’s saving her virginity for that special guy. She’s extremely naïve and innocent, yet exudes sensuality. She’s somewhat skeptical so you have to work hard for her to give you the time of day.
Fetishes: eyes (they’re the window to the soul), muscular bodies (I want to feel safe), and chocolate
Likes: Yoga, to keep limber and flexible. BOYS!!!! Hanging out with friends, reading, writing, and shopping.
Dislikes: Boys who think they’re the shizz and who spend more time on their looks than she do.
Clique: Currently none since I just transferred to this school, but hopefully I’ll be popular.
Crushes: Currently none, since I don’t know anyone, but I’m not opposed to dating.
Back Story:
History: Aubri was born into an exceedingly wealthy family. She lived in North Carolina until she was 13 when her parents got a very messy divorce. Her dad is a businessman who now lives in New York City with her step-mom. Her mom also got remarried to a Boston millionaire. Both parents love her but neither one really wanted her to live with them, so Aubri moved in with her grandmother and continued to go to school in North Carolina. Unfortunately, her grandmother passed away and so her parents decided to send her to boarding school. Her parents continually try to outdo each other in giving Aubri gifts, which is why she has 2 extremely nice cars and a closet full of designer clothes.
Aubri works hard to maintain her A- average. She hates her ex-best friend for stabbing her in the back by making out with her now-ex-boyfriend and starting several nasty rumors about her. She doesn’t really like school but likes seeing her friends.
Since her parents’ divorce the only thing that she really enjoys is dance and yoga. Yoga helps her stay balanced and calm when dealing with her parents and dance allows her to express/vent her pent up emotions.
Aubri loves participating in school activities, but hates cheerleaders. She is a strict vegetarian but is fine with others eating meat (especially since her 22 year old step-brother pretty much only eats meat). She loves sports, even if she’s not any good at them.