Vital Statistics:
Name: Jack Marcus Kubin
Age/Grade: 16-10th Grade
Gender: Male
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 140 lbs
Appearance: Jack has light brown hair, straight. He is tall for his age, and skinny. He is also athletic and has pretty big muscles. He also has a bit of stubble on his chin.
Sexuality: He is Straight as a stick, and he acts the same around every gender
Preferences: He is usually turned on by sexual behaviors or when girls expose skin. He prefers nice ,gentle, brunettes.
Likes: (What do they like in life?)Girls, movies, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Soccer, Swimming
Dislikes: (What do they dislike in life?)School, History, Homework, Detention, The Dark, Spiders, Closed spaces
Back story:
History: Jack was born a peculiar child since birth. He was always excelling in classes, getting the highest marks and gold honor roll. Many times in his life He has been asked to move up grades, but he declined every time. Although he was very bright, he didn't like having to do harder work. He absolutly loathed homework and school. The only reason he did so well was to impress his father, who was very harsh about grades and school. At age 16 his parents found a brochure for a bording school for the gifted and sent him off to it.