Again. This is the second time it's happening, isn't it?
I'm going to Washington D.C. for a school field trip for an entire week starting tomorrow. It's like.. a necessary thing for eighth graders around my area. If you live near D.C.... Don't try to find me. You won't ;]
I'm putting Cyra Redfield (Terra-san) in charge while I'm gone. He'll be put as a temporary moderator, which means that yes, he'll be a regular member once I come back. DON'T question his authority, alright? I'm a devil when I get angry~ So just know that he has my fullest permission to accept or reject your profiles and maintain peace while I'm gone.
I'm pretty sure I'm only participating one active RP at the moment.. Don't do anything weird to my character while I'm gone *glares at Haru*
Other than that, I'm out~! See you guys later!
-- Karatsu (Yummi-kun!)