Vital Statistics:
Name: Mitsuki Chou
Age/Grade: 15 , 10th grade
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 105 lbs
Appearance: American/Japanese, slender, pale creamy skin, dark brown hair in Alice Cullen style with subtle red hightlights in it, hazel eyes that are mostly green and can sometimes change to greenish blue, average leg and arm length to match body height, average breast size for height, average mouth
[b]Sexuality: Straight, very open, very little experience, is shy when it comes to anything sexual
Fetishes: Muscular torsos and muscular arms on guys
Likes: Music, art, animals, cooking, dancing, singing, most sports, sweetheart actions from guys
Dislikes: Spicy food, mushrooms, onions, perverted or gross humor
Clique: Falls between the cliques, has no group to hang out with yet
Crushes: Doesn't know any one yet
[u]Back story:
History: Born in Port Angeles, WA. Has an American father and a Japanese mother. Lived there for her whole life till she was in the nineth grade and then she moved to Seattle, WA. and lived in a tiny suburb till she finished the school year. She then moved again and is now attending the high school here in this town (where ever it is) and is in the tenth grade. She does not know anyone yet and has yet to make any friends.